Cell Symposia: Multifaceted Mitochondria
November 6–8, 2022 | Seville, Spain
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Cell Symposia 2022 is partnering with Science Talks
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Our classical view of mitochondria as sites of biosynthesis and bioenergy production has dramatically expanded in recent years, and we now know that this fascinating organelle plays an important role in almost all aspects of cell biology. Mitochondria are now appreciated as signaling hubs for the regulation of physiological functions in epigenetics, cell fate, and innate immune signaling, among others. Moreover, mitochondrial dysfunction causes stress responses, connecting the fitness of this organelle to the whole organism. These functions typically center around the various metabolic pathways that traverse in and out of the mitochondria, and they are likely to contribute to the exceptional variability of mitochondrial disease manifestations.
This Cell Symposium aims to bring together researchers that are creating new knowledge regarding mitochondrial metabolism, regulation, dynamics, function, and disease impact.
- Mitochondrial architecture and behavior
- Mitochondrial homeostasis and quality control
- Mitochondrial communication
- Mitochondria in metabolism
- Mitochondria in disease
- Tools and techniques

- Jodi Nunnari, USA
- Alexey Amunts, Sweden
- Nenad Ban, Switzerland
- Nika Danial, USA
- Ralph Deberardinis, USA
- José Antonio Enríquez Domínguez, Spain
- Aleksandra Filipovska, Australia
- Marcia Haigis, USA
- Lena Ho, Singapore
- Ping-Chih Ho, Switzerland
- Adam Hughes, USA
- Pekka Katajisto, Finland
- Thomas Langer, Germany
- Elena Rugarli, Germany
- Orian Shirihai, USA
- Aleksandra Trifunovic, Germany
- Xinnan Wang, USA
- Jared Rutter, University of Utah, USA
- Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Danielle Loughlin, Editor, Trends in Cancer
- Rosalind Mott, Scientific Editor, Cell Metabolism