Speaker articles

Take a look at what some of our Exercise metabolism speakers have published recently and chat with them about their work in Lisbon, Portugal.

Keynote Speakers

Bente Klarlund Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Effects of different doses of exercise and diet-induced weight loss on beta-cell function in type 2 diabetes (DOSE-EX): a randomized clinical trial


Katrien De Bock, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
GDF15 increases insulin action in the liver and adipose tissue via a β-adrenergic receptor-mediated mechanism

Exercise-induced angiogenesis is dependent on metabolically primed ATF3/4+ endothelial cells

Ellen Blaak, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Cardiometabolic health improvements upon dietary intervention are driven by tissue-specific insulin resistance phenotype: A precision nutrition trial

Influence of the gut microbiota on satiety signaling

Sue Bodine, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, USA
SnapShot: Skeletal muscle atrophy

Mark Febbraio, Monash University, Australia
“Sweet death”: Fructose as a metabolic toxin that targets the gut-liver axis

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with the designer cytokine IC7Fc

Bret Goodpaster, Advent Health Research Institute, USA
Metabolic flexibility in health and disease

Andrea L Hevener, UCLA, USA
Conserved multi-tissue transcriptomic adaptations to exercise training in humans and mice

ERα in the control of mitochondrial function and metabolic health

David James, University of Sydney, Australia
Systems-level analysis of insulin action in mouse strains provides insight into tissue- and pathway-specific interactions that drive insulin resistance

Leveraging genetic diversity to identify small molecules that reverse mouse skeletal muscle insulin resistance

Jonathan Long, Stanford University, USA
Organism-wide, cell-type-specific secretome mapping of exercise training in mice

An exercise-inducible metabolite that suppresses feeding and obesity

Satchin Panda, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA
Feasibility of time-restricted eating and impacts on cardiometabolic health in 24-h shift workers: The Healthy Heroes randomized control trial

Diurnal transcriptome landscape of a multi-tissue response to time-restricted feeding in mammals

Bruce Spiegelman, Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Isolation of extracellular fluids reveals novel secreted bioactive proteins from muscle and fat tissues

Irisin acts through its integrin receptor in a two-step process involving extracellular Hsp90α

Kristin Stanford, Ohio State University, USA
12,13-diHOME: An exercise-induced lipokine that increases skeletal muscle fatty acid uptake

Exercise training induces depot-specific adaptations to white and brown adipose tissue

Ye Tian, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, China
Two sensory neurons coordinate the systemic mitochondrial stress response via GPCR signaling in C. elegans

The mitochondrial unfolded protein response is mediated cell-non-autonomously by retromer-dependent WNT signaling

Krista Varady, University of Illinois, USA
Effect of alternate day fasting combined with aerobic exercise on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized controlled trial

Effects of 4- and 6-h time-restricted feeding on weight and cardiometabolic health: A randomized controlled trial in adults with obesity

Juleen Zierath, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Atlas of exercise metabolism reveals time-dependent signatures of metabolic homeostasis

Metabolic consequences of obesity and type 2 diabetes: Balancing genes and environment for personalized care