Supporting Publications

Cell remains at the forefront of exciting developments in biology, continually redefining the important areas of science with cutting edge papers.
Published biweekly, Cell includes original research articles of exceptional significance in areas including molecular biology, biochemistry, cancer research, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virology.

Molecular Cell is a companion to Cell, the leading journal of biology and the highest-impact journal in the world.
Launched in December 1997 and published monthly, Molecular Cell defines the field of molecular biology with a relatively small number of significant papers, up to 15 articles per issue. Coverage will extend from structure to human diseases, concentrating on molecular analyses. Topics that will be represented in the first issues include gene expression, RNA processing, replication, recombination and repair, structure, chaperones, receptors, signal transduction, cell cycle, and tumorigenesis.
The majority of papers published in Molecular Cell are articles in the format familiar from Cell. However, we will also publish short papers (up to 6 published pages) that make focused contributions on points of general interest. The publication schedule will be rapid: on our regular monthly schedule, publication time should average 6 weeks from acceptance.

Trends in Cell Biology is among the leading review journals in molecular and cell biology. Review articles published each month monitor the breadth and depth of current research in cell biology, reporting on new developments as they happen and integrating methods, disciplines and principles.

Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS) keeps its readers up-to-date and well informed about recent advances in biochemistry and molecular biology through succinct articles. Our goal is to provide articles that do more than simply summarize the literature; they synthesize the data, put forward new ideas, provide insight into the direction of a field, and ultimately have a unique point of view.

Cell Reports is an open access journal from Cell Press and publishes high-quality papers across the life sciences spectrum that provide new biological insight. We publish thought-provoking, cutting-edge research in a variety of formats, including short-form Reports as well as longer-form Articles and Resources. Cell Reports is staffed with a team of passionate in-house editors who work closely with authors, reviewers, and the journal’s editorial board.

iScience publishes basic and applied research that advances a specific field across life, physical, and earth sciences. It's an open access journal with continuous publication, so research is immediately accessible. Our no-nonsense approach to submissions is simple, fast, and fair, and our commitment to integrity means we publish transparent methods, replication studies, and negative results.

Developmental Cell, launched in 2001, is a broad-interest journal covering the areas of cell biology and developmental biology. In addition to publishing work spanning all areas of cell biology and developmental biology, we have particular interest in how these fields interface with each other and with other disciplines in biology. The journal aims to showcase work that examines, through a cell biological lens, the fundamentals of how a cell works, how cells interact with one another and with the environment, how cells come together to form a tissue, organ, and ultimately a whole organism, and what happens when any of these processes go awry.

The mission of Biophysical Journal (BJ) is to publish the highest quality work that elucidates important biological, chemical, or physical mechanisms and provides quantitative insight into fundamental problems at the molecular, cellular, and systems and whole-organism levels. Articles published in the Journal should be of general interest to quantitative biologists, regardless of their research specialty.

When it comes to protocols, usability and reproducibility are key. That's why STAR Protocols are structured, transparent, and accessible.
STAR Protocols works for you. If you're an author, we'll work with you to ensure you have the space and structure you need to explain what worked and perhaps, more importantly, what didn't. If you’re a reader, you can be sure that STAR Protocols meet the high quality standards you've come to expect from Cell Press.

Med, a new journal from Cell Press, publishes transformative, evidence-based science across the clinical and translational research continuum – from large-scale clinical trials to translational studies with demonstrable functional impact, offering novel insights in disease understanding.
We aim to elevate the global standard of medical research by accelerating translation of bench research to the clinic, serving as a hub for engagement between all stakeholders, improving reproducibility, and changing medical practice.

Cell Reports Medicine is a new broad-scope, open access journal from Cell Press—publishes original, thought-provoking research from exciting translational concepts in human biology, health, and disease to all phases of clinical work.

Heliyon is an all-science, open access journal that is part of the Cell Press family. Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication.

Patterns is a new gold open access journal publishing transformative, peer-reviewed research across the spectrum of research disciplines including computational, physical, life, and social sciences, and the humanities. Published from Cell Press, Patterns promotes all types of research outputs and facilitates sharing and collaboration to solve key scientific problems and aid in the development of solutions for practice, policies, and management.
Visit the journal homepage to learn more.