Florian Meirer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Florian Meirer received his PhD in technical physics in 2008 from the Vienna University of Technology. He then moved to the US to take up a postdoctoral Erwin Schrödinger fellowship at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. After a postdoctoral stay in Italy (FBK, Trento; Marie Curie fellowship), he joined the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group at Utrecht University in 2013 as Assistant Professor. He obtained a VIDI grant in 2016, became tenured in 2017, was promoted to associate professor in 2020, and was granted ius promovendi in 2021. His past and current research focuses on the development and application of 2D and 3D spectro-microscopic techniques and related chemometrics for obtaining insights about nanoscale processes, covering materials ranging from functional materials to agents in the environment and objects of art.
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