Haritz Sardon, UPV/EHU: University of the Basque Country, Spain

Prof. Haritz Sardón is Professor in Polymat - UPV/EHU. He is an expert in polymer chemistry, focused on the synthesis of sustainable materials and the chemical recycling of mixed polymers. He has published more than 175 articles in peer-reviewed journals that have received more than 10000 citations with a H-index >55. He has supervised >9 post-docs, 11 PhD students and numerous master students. He is and has been involved in several European projects (e.g. NIPU-EJD 2020, VITRIMAT-ETN 2019, SUSPOL-EJD 201, etc). Prof. Sardon works in close collaboration with international companies including IBM, BASF, Corbion, Covestro... Selected honours and awards include Prize of Excellence Young Researcher in Chemistry by the RSEQ (2021), ACS Macro Letters/Biomacromolecules/Macromolecules Award (2021), and Prize for Excellence of the Young Researcher in Polymers by the GEP (2020), among others. He is also co-founder and scientific advisor of POLYKEY.
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