Meet the Cell Press editors
Authors who submit abstracts to the Cell Symposia: Towards sustainable agriculture: Genomics, bioengineering, and smart technologies, will have the opportunity for one-on-one interactions with our Cell Press editors in Sanya, China.
Interested? Email an editor to arrange a meeting!

Yuli Ding, Scientific editor, Developmental Cell
Yuli obtained her Ph.D. in the Botany Department at The University of British Columbia in Canada, working on plant immune signalling and plant defence hormone, salicylic acid. She then moved to the John Innes Centre in UK as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellow, investigating fruit development to improve crop yield. Yuli joined Cell Press in 2022 as a scientific editor for the interdisciplinary journal iScience and moved to Developmental Cell in 2024.

Matthew J. Pavlovich, Editor-in-chief, Trends in Biotechnology
Matt is the editor-in-chief of Trends in Biotechnology, a journal specializing in innovative applications of biology as useful technologies. He earned his BS in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, where he studied the biological effects of air plasmas. He studied analytical chemistry as a postdoctoral researcher at Northeastern University, then joined Cell Press in 2016. Matt is a senior manager in the Trends journal team and has also worked in secondments as the product manager for Cell Press Multi-Journal Submission and as the acting editor-in-chief of STAR Protocols.

Yang Yang, Scientific Editor, Cell
Yang Yang joined Cell team as a Scientific Editor in 2019. She earned her Ph.D. at Peking University. After that, did her post-doctoral work at Michigan State University.

Anne Knowlton, Senior scientific editor, Current Biology
Anne comes from South Carolina, where she studied biology at Clemson University. She completed her PhD at the University of Virginia studying the assembly of the mitotic spindle. From there, she did her postdoctoral work at the University of Washington in Seattle, where she studied the basis of force transduction in the yeast kinetochore. She has been working as an editor at Current Biology since 2011.

Feijie Wu, Scientific editor, Cell Reports
Plant biology, cancer

Shanshan Zhang, Scientific editor, One Earth
Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth ignited Shanshan’s concern over environmental issues. After pursuing an MSc in environmental economics and management and a PhD in energy economics at Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala, Sweden, she became an assistant professor specializing in energy and climate policy at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. Shanshan’s ever-growing interest in socio-climate topics and a desire to promote transformative studies to address Earth’s most pressing challenges guided her to an editorial career with One Earth. With a background deeply rooted in social science, she appreciates the importance of societal behavior and recognizes the value of cross-disciplinary research when seeking co-benefits from environmental, economic, and social development.
X (formerly Twitter): @SShanZhang
WeChat: serenazss