
Dr. Dai got his Bachelor degree from Department of Intensive Instruction in Nanjing University and Master degree from Department of Biological Sciences and Technology in Tsinghua University. Then he went to the Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB) Interdepartmental Graduate Program at Iowa State University for Ph.D. study in Daniel F. Voytas lab. After graduation in 2006, he joined Jef D. Boeke’s lab at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine as a post-doctoral fellow and joined the faculty at Tsinghua University in 2011. In 2017, Dr. Dai moved to Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2023, he joined the faculty of Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, CAAS.
Dr. Dai’s research interests lie in synthetic biology using different model organisms, focusing on development of new technologies for gene synthesis, assembly and synthetic genomics. He’s one of the key members in synthetic yeast consortium (Sc2.0) and finished the synthesis of the yeast chromosome IV, XII and XV. Dr. Dai is also the director of the Center for GP-write China and founding director of Guangdong Provincial Key laboratory of Synthetic Genomics and Shenzhen Key laboratory of Synthetic Genomics. Dr. Dai have published many peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals and hold tens of patents. He is the winner of Albert Lehninger Research Award, C.C. Tan Life Science Innovation Award, Newton Advanced Fellowship, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars etc.
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