

Elsevier Conferences Accessibility Policy
Please access our Accessibility policy and guidelines here

How to contact us to discuss any accessibility requirements
Please contact us at to discuss any requirements or questions.  The conference organizer will contact you directly to discuss further.

Please let us have the details of any specific requirements by 22 September 2023.

Conference Venue

Is there disabled parking?
Yes, the hotel will provide several disabled parking outside the hotel.

Is the venue wheelchair accessible?
There is one wheelchair. Take the elevator to the conference room.

Are there accessible elevators close to the conference rooms?
Yes. There are 3 elevators and 1 escalator close to the conference rooms.

Are there accessible restrooms near the conference rooms (same floor/near accessible lifts?)
There are 2 VIP rooms near the conference rooms on the second floor.

On request we can arrange for early access to the catering space.  Please
栢宴厅:Parkview ADD Dining Hall_for lunch
Please contact us at if you would like to have an orientation tour of the venue on 22 September 2023.

Conference Hotel
If you require an accessible bedroom or have any queries, please contact the hotel directly:
Sales manager of PARKVIEW INTERNATIONAL HOTEL:  Ping Luo, 18955922343,e-mail
The address: 1)黄山栢景国际大酒店 中国·黄山·西海路18号 (万安门内) NO.18 Xihai Road,Tunxi Huangshan. China

  1. 黄山栢景假日酒店:PARKVIEW HOTEL,酒店位于黄山市屯溪区西海路 18号

 NO.18 Xihai Road,Tunxi Huangshan. China


Conference Dinner Venue

Is the venue wheelchair accessible?
There is one wheelchair. Take the elevator to the conference room.

Are there accessible elevators close to the dinner space?
Yes. There are 3 elevators and 1 escalator close to the conference rooms.


Are there accessible restrooms near the dinner space (same floor/near accessible lifts?)
There are 2 VIP rooms near the conference rooms on the second floor.

How far apart are any different spaces that are being used?

Floor plan below:

Please contact us at if you would like to discuss the arrangements for the conference dinner.

How to reach the venue and hotel
黄山栢景国际大酒店地处屯溪的发源地、 由“唐 宋之黎阳”之称的 —— 黎阳古镇 的中心点。与“太平洋购物中心” 相邻,从酒店步行6分钟就能到 达 黄 山 首 个 免 费 的 A A A A 级 景 区——黎阳in 巷,周边各类美食 店、24小时银行、影城、KTV 、 酒吧应有尽有。从黎阳in巷再步 行十分钟就能到达“屯溪老街” 。
同时酒店离2号徽杭高速口、黄 山机场、黄山客运总站、黄山火 车站均只有十分钟以内的车程, 地理位置十分优越。



乘坐9路公交车(太平洋购物中心公交站上车) ,途经9站路,至汽车站齐云大道下车,全程约3公里,约15分钟到达(不含候车时间),乘坐出租车预计花费10元左右。


  1. "Hotel to Huangshan Airport"

The journey is about 4.5 kilometers and takes about 30 minutes to arrive (not including waiting time). The taxi is expected to cost about 10yuan.

2."Hotel to Huangshan Bus Station"
Take No.9 bus (Pacific Shopping Center bus station), go through9 stops, get off at the bus station Qiyun Avenue, the whole journey is about 3 kilometers, about 15 minutes to arrive
(Not including waiting time), the taxi is expected to cost about 10 yuan.

3."Hotel to Huangshan North Railway Station"

Take the high-speed railway Express Line 2 bus (Gate 1 of Pacific Shopping Center) and get off at the High-speed railway North Station through 5 stops. The whole journey is about 15 kilometers and it takes about 40 minutes to get there (not including waiting time). It is estimated to cost about 40 yuan by taxi.

contact us at