
Joakim Lundeberg, SciLifeLab/KTH, Sweden
Joakim Lundeberg

Joakim Lundeberg's current research focuses on spatially resolved gene expression studies based on the Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) technology. This technology allows for studies of gene expression in tissue sections using RNA-sequencing to uncover transcriptional patterns in situ. The basic concept is remarkably simple; by placing tissue sections on arrayed reverse transcription oligonucleotides with positional barcodes, cDNA for RNA-sequencing can be generated while maintaining positional information within the tissue. The quality of the cDNA libraries obtained are as high as with the best protocols for homogenized tissue. Lundeberg and his collaborators have been applying this strategy to visualize and quantify the transcriptome in regular histological tissue sections, including brain, tumors and developmental tissue.

Website: http://www.spatialtranscriptomicsresearch.org/

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