Keynote Speaker

Ling-Ling Chen is the Principal Investigator at the CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science (Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 2011. Her research has made important contributions to our understanding of the lncRNA diversity, biogenesis and function, in particular, the biogenesis of circular RNAs and their impact on innate immunity, and the snoRNA-related lncRNAs in the assembly and function of nuclear bodies. She was selected as a HHMI International Research Scholar in 2017, and as a New Cornerstone Investigator in 2023. Chen serves the community as a member of Editorial Boards including Cell and Science, and as an organizer of meetings including the Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, the CSHL Regulatory & Non-coding RNAs and others. She is the recipient of the LOREAL China for Women in Science Award, the RNA Society Mid-Career Research Award and others.
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