
Maria Carmo-Fonseca is Professor at the University of Lisbon Medical School. She is a founder of the Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM), a biomedical research institute affiliated with the University of Lisbon Medical School, where she currently serves as President. She was visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School (2011 to 2013). She is member of the European Molecular Biology Organization, the Portuguese Academy of Sciences, the Portuguese Academy of Medicine, and Academia Europaea, and she served as President of the RNA Society (2021-2022). She has been scientific editor for the Journal of Cell Science and the RNA journal. Carmo-Fonseca received several prestigious national science awards, and serves in multiple national and international advisory committees. Since her post-doc at EMBL Heidelberg, Carmo-Fonseca is interested in understanding the nuclear organization and regulation of pre-mRNA splicing. Her lab combines microscopy techniques and genome-wide methodologies to study the interplay between transcription and RNA processing.
Website: https://imm.medicina.ulisboa.pt/pt-pt/investigation/laboratories/maria-carmo-fonseca-lab-2/#intro
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