- Kelly Frazer, University of California San Diego, USA

Dr. Kelly A. Frazer is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at UCSD School of Medicine, Chief of the Division of Genome Information Sciences, and Director of the UCSD Institute for Genomic Medicine. Her research is focused on understanding the genetic predisposition to complex diseases starting in childhood but spanning the whole age spectrum. Over the past ten years, her lab has systematically derived and characterized a unique collection of iPSC lines from 222 individuals – referred to as iPSCORE (iPSC Collection for Omic Research). iPSCORE has been utilized to examine how regulatory variants influence the expression of molecular traits including RNA expression (RNA-seq assays), chromatin states (ATACseq and H3K27ac ChIP-seq assays) and chromatin loop formation in iPSCs and derived cardiovascular progenitor cells (iPSC-CVPCs) and pancreatic progenitor cells (iPSC-PPCs).
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