Organizing committee
- Xiao-Wei Chen, Peking University, China
Dr. Xiao-Wei Chen obtained his BS and BA degrees from the Peking University, and completed his Ph.D. training with Dr. Alan Saltiel on metabolic biology at the University of Michigan. He then pursued postdoctoral study on genetics and cardiovascular biology in the laboratory of Dr. David Ginsburg, prior to being recruited back to the Peking University in 2014. His group focuses on the genetics and cell biology of lipoprotein transport and lipid homeostasis, and has been unraveling a receptor-mediated export program for the lipoproteins in mice and humans. He is a recipient of the Young Investigator Award from the Chinese American Diabetes Association and the Special Recognition Award from the Society of Heart and Vascular Metabolism, as well as the Earl Stadtman Scholar finalist from the National Institute of Health, USA and the Distinguished Young Scholar Award from the National Natural Science Foundation, China.
1998-2002年就读于北京大学生命科学学院,获生物化学和分子生物学/经济学 双学士;2002-2008年留学密西根大学,获生理学博士;2008-2013年就职于休斯研究所 (HHMI)从事博士后研究;2013年就职于密西根大学生命科学研究所 (Life Sciences Institute) 为研究员,曾入选美国国立卫生院Earl Stadtman Scholar Program Finalist。获得中国海外高层次人才计划(青年)、国家杰出青年基金支持。
2014年至今就职于北京大学分子医学研究所(现未来技术学院),组建分子代谢调控研究室,致力研究糖脂代谢调控及其相关的心血管疾病。发现了在体血脂运输中的“分泌受体”及其开启的特异运输通路,进而鉴定了领域长期探寻的磷脂翻转因子并提出“脂层不平衡反应”的概念,未来将围绕上述基础与临床高度交叉的领域进一步展开探索。迄今,在Cell Metabolism, Nature Cell Biology,Developmental Cell,EMBO J和PNAS等杂志发表论文50余篇;主持或参与科技部、自然科学基金委研究项目;任中国生物物理学会副监事长,代谢生物学分会理事、副秘书长,国际心血管代谢学会(SHVM)理事;获国际心血管代谢学会“特别贡献奖”、北美华人糖尿病学会“青年科学家奖”。
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