Organizing committee
- Tong-Jin Zhao, Fudan University, China
Dr. Tong-Jin Zhao obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Shandong University at 2002, and his PhD from Tsinghua University in 2007. From 2007 to 2014, he joined the Brown&Goldstein laboratory at UT Southwestern as a postdoctoral fellow and research assistant professor. In 2014, Dr. Zhao moved to School of Life Sciences at Xiamen University and worked as a professor. From 2019, he is professor at Institute of Metabolism & Integrative Biology (IMIB) of Fudan University. In 2022, he was supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
His laboratory mainly focuses on dissecting the molecular mechanism of the metabolic diseases. They are currently working on the regulatory mechanism of fatty acid sensing and uptake. Dr. Zhao has published a series of research articles, including Cell Metabolism, PNAS, Cell Reports and Nature Communications.
赵同金 教授
赵同金教授于2002年本科毕业于山东大学,2007年于清华大学获得博士学位,2007-2014在美国德州大学西南医学中心Brown& Goldstein实验室从事博士后和研究助理教授工作,2014年5月起任厦门大学生命科学学院教授,2019年9月起任复旦大学代谢与整合生物学研究院教授。2022年获得基金委杰出青年基金项目资助。
实验室主要从事代谢性疾病生理病理机制方面的研究,目前主要研究脂肪酸的感应和吸收及其调控机制,在 Cell Metabolism,PNAS,Cell Reports和Nature Communications等杂志发表多篇研究论文。
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