Keynote speaker
- Matthias H. Tschöp, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany

Professor Matthias Tschöp is the CEO of Helmholtz Munich, Vice President of the Helmholtz Association and Alexander von Humboldt Professor at the Technical University of Munich. At the University of Cincinnati (2003-2011) he led a research institute as a tenured professor of endocrinology and diabetes at the Metabolic Diseases Institute, held the Arthur Russell Morgan Endowed Chair of Medicine and was research director of the Metabolism Center of Excellence for Diabetes and Obesity. He unraveled fundamental gut-brain signals to discover the first highly effective drugs for human obesity in collaboration with the chemist Richard DiMarchi - the dual and triple gut hormone multi-agonists. Professor Tschöp has received numerous awards, including the Banting Medal, the Heinrich Wieland Prize and the Ernst Schering Prize. He holds an adjunct professorship at Yale University. He was elected a member of the German, Bavarian, and European Academies of Sciences, the ASCI ( and the AAP (
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