- Peng Cao, National Institute of Biological Sciences, China

Dr. Peng Cao obtained his PhD at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. He received his postdoctoral training in Thomas Sudhof Laboratory at Stanford University. He started his own laboratory in 2012. He is now an Associated Investigator at National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing (NIBS). His team is working on brain-body interaction underlying sickness behaviors, focusing on gut-brain and airway-brain axis. Their work reveals the gut-to-brain axis mediating toxin-induced retching and nausea. They also find the airway-to-brain and brain circuits underlying cough reflex and its hypersensitivity. For these research findings, Dr. Peng Cao won Xplorer Prize from New Cornerstone Foundation in 2023.
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