Dr Lai Guan Ng completed his PhD work at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia. After completing his PhD in 2004, he joined Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Singapore for his postdoctoral training under the supervision of Professor Lam Kong Peng. In 2006, Dr Ng joined Professor Wolfgang Weninger’s laboratory at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia USA. Following his postdoctoral training, he joined Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) to establish his own laboratory in 2009. He is now an adjunct associate professor at the National University of Singapore and University of Sydney in Australia, as well as adjunct assistant professor at the Nanyang Technological University. Dr Ng has also been appointed as an adjunct Scientist at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) and National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), and more recently he took up an adjunct investigator position at the Key State Laboratory of Experimental Haematology Tianjin, China. The primary research focus of his group is to study how immune cells exert their function in the context of intact organs. Using a combination of in vivo imaging models, mass cytometry, flow cytometry, transcriptomic and bioinformatics approaches his group aims to determine the developmental pathway of leukocytes (in particular myeloid cells), as well as the cellular and molecular events involved in the regulation of leukocyte homeostasis.
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