Cell Symposia: Myeloid cells: From development to function and dysfunction
June 28–30, 2023, Shanghai, China
Registration is now closed
Myeloid cells – mononuclear (monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells (DCs)) and polymorphonuclear (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells), as well as immature myeloid progenitors of both lineages -- play critical roles in immune homeostasis and inflammation. Their dysregulation has been linked to cancer, metabolic, inflammatory diseases, and degenerative diseases, making them increasingly important potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Together we will discuss areas of long-standing and topical interest in the field of myeloid cell biology, including:
Ontogeny and basic function
Resolution of inflammation and cellular cross-talk
Dysregulation of myeloid cell function in the context of autoimmunity and allergy
The role of myeloid cells in metabolic disease and the role of intermediary metabolism in myeloid function
The role of myeloid cells in the control and support of tumorigenesis and tumor growth
We hope to bring together basic scientists, clinicians, and industry to discuss new findings and future challenges in investigating these sentinels of the immune system.
- Marco Colonna, USA
- Alberto Mantovani, Italy
- Leila Akkari, The Netherlands
- Burkhard Becher, Switzerland
- Xuetao Cao, China
- Lélia Delamarre, USA
- Andrés Hidalgo, USA
- Tiffany Horng, China
- Xiaoyu Hu, China
- Eicke Latz, Germany
- Clare Lloyd, UK
- Lai Guan Ng, Singapore
- Renato Ostuni, Italy
- Virginia Pascual, USA
- Carla Rothlin, USA
- Kate Schroder, Australia
- Peng Shi, China
- Bing Su, China
- Roxane Tussiwand, USA
- Dan Ye, China
- Zemin Zhang, China
- Bing Su, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Florent Ginhoux, Gustave Roussy, France, Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Bruce Koppelman, Senior scientific editor, Immunity
- Cheri Sirois, Senior scientific editor, Cell