
Coco Chu Ph.D., graduated from the Institute for Immunology, Tsinghua University in 2015. She carried out her postdoctoral research at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University from 2015 to 2020, and was promoted and worked as an Instructor of Immunology from 2020 to 2022. She joined the Institute for Immunology, Tsinghua University as an Assistant Professor of Neuroimmunology in 2022.
The Chu Laboratory strives to understand the interactions between the microbiota, immune system, and nervous system, to discover previously unrecognized crosstalk, to unveil the underlying molecular mechanisms, and to help develop the next generation of preventative, therapeutic, or curative treatment strategies.
Dr. Chu has been recognized for her research through a series of awards, including the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Young Investigator Award, Beijing Association for Science and Technology Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program, Beijing Society of Immunology Young Scholar Award, National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas), and Chinese Society for Cell Biology Career Development Fund for Young Female Scientists.
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