
John Haanen finished his MD at Leiden University cum laude in 1988. From 1988 till 1991 he performed his PhD studies at the Division of Immunohematology & Blood Bank of Leiden University Medical Center and at DNAX, Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, US and defended his PhD thesis on human CD4+ helper T cells reactive against mycobacteria. He trained in internal medicine in hospitals in Leiden and The Hague. In 1996 he was registered as consultant internist. From 1997-1999 he did a post-doctoral fellowship at the Division of Immunology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Amsterdam. From 1999-2001 he trained in medical oncology and was appointed a permanent position as consultant medical oncologist and research group leader at NKI. His research has been focused on development of innovative immunotherapies in close collaboration with prof. Ton Schumacher. In 2008 he was appointed professor of translational immunotherapy of cancer at Leiden University Medical Center. From 2009 till 2018 he headed the Division of Medical Oncology at NKI. In 2018 he was appointed CSO Immunotherapy, one of the major research themes at NKI. His current research is on development of cellular therapies for solid tumors, neoadjuvant immunotherapies, and biomarker research. His clinical specialty is in melanoma and other skin cancers, kidney cancer and management of immune-related adverse events. He co- authored over 300 peer-reviewed articles, serves at the editorial board of ESMO Open, Cancer Treatment Reviews and Kidney Cancer. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of ESMO IOTECH. John Haanen was scientific co-chair of ESMO IO Congress from 2016-2019, and Scientific Chair of the ESMO 2020 Congress.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/all/?keywords=john%20haanen&origin=RICH_QUERY_SUGGESTION&position=0&searchId=5e014fce-eb98-48d6-92d8-53628c4957eb&sid=PZ9
Twitter: @HaanenJohn
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