Jonathan Wagner, Loughborough University, UK

Jon Wagner is Reader in Circular Economy Engineering at Loughborough University. He is the Programme Lead for the Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Programme and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Circular Chemical Economy (CircularChem). He completed his PhD in 2016 on the hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae under the supervision of Prof. Valeska Ting and Chris Chuck within the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies at the University of Bath. Until his appointment at Loughborough, he joined the Horizon 2020 Photofuel project as a research associate at Imperial College London, focusing on algae system scale-up and system analysis. Since 2012, Jon Wagner has secured more than £6m in research funding as PI or Co-I from the UKRI and Royal Society, including £483k IDRIC-Wave 2 funded project on ‘Algae-based carbon capture and utilisation for UK cluster decarbonisation’ with collaborators at Heriot Watt and University of Manchester.
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