Robert Eagling, Editor in chief, Chem

A chemist by training, Robert obtained both his degree and PhD from Newcastle University. After completing his studies in late 2000, he started his editorial career at the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2001 as an assistant editor on Perkin Trans 1 and 2. After a successful 14 years, which saw him launch Chemical Science in 2010, take Chemical Communications to 100 issues per year, and increase the Chem Soc Rev impact factor from 13 to 34, he joined Cell Press as the inaugural editor-in-chief of Chem (2015). More recently, Robert was promoted to publishing director while maintaining full responsibility for Chem. Chem is currently in its 7th year since launch and ranks first of all the general chemistry research journals with an Impact Factor (Clarivate 2021) of 25.8. Robert is an unpaid member of the advisory board of the Chemistry department at the University of Manchester.
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