Keynote speaker

Jan de Boer, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Prof. dr. Jan de Boer is chair of the BioInterface Science group at the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems and Department of Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology since 2018. He studied biology at Utrecht University and obtained his PhD in the lab of Jan Hoeijmakers, Erasmus MC, on mouse models for premature ageing. After a postdoc at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, he started as a research associate at IsoTis b.v. where his research focused on bone tissue engineering, which was continued as associate professor at the University of Twente and as full professor at Maastricht University.

De Boer studies and teaches on the interplay between cells and biomaterials, and aims to use molecular circuits to control cell and tissue function. With a background in mouse and Drosophila genetics, he entered the field of biomedical engineering in 2002 and has since focused on understanding and implementing molecular biology in the field of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and medical device interface biology. His research is characterized by a holistic approach to both discovery and application, aiming at combining high throughput technologies, computational modeling and experimental cell biology to streamline the wealth of biological knowledge to real clinical applications.

He is former chair of the Netherlands Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, CEO and co-founder of Materiomics b.v., and co-founder of the Merln Institute for Technology-inspired Regenerative Medicine. He is editor of the textbooks Tissue Engineering and Materiomics-High throughput screening of material properties. As a proponent of open access education, educational material can be found on his website, and he regularly organizes online courses on image analysis in collaboration with the Broad Institute.

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