Submit abstract
Topics include:
1) Viruses within: defining the virome; interaction with the microbiome; endogenous retroviruses in health and disease; tools and technologies
2) Viral pathogens: evolution, genomics, spread, prediction, and pandemic preparedness of emerging and re-emerging viruses
3) Virus-host interaction: immunology, genetics, and host factors
4) Viruses as therapeutics: diagnostics, phage therapy, viral vectors, and disease therapy
5) Targeting viruses: antivirals, vaccines, antibodies: lessons from the past; successes versus failures
Abstracts received before the abstract deadline will be considered for poster presentations and/or a limited number of oral presentations. If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in our online abstract booklet that will be distributed to all conference participants. Any abstracts submitted after the deadline will be eligible for poster presentations only.
You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like.
If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend, and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the organizers to ensure that the topic of the submission is consistent with the scope of the topics covered at the symposium. A small number of abstracts will be selected for short talks by the organizing committee.
A condition of submission is that, if accepted, the poster and/or talk will be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence.
If you do not receive acknowledgement for your abstract submission or you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please do not resubmit your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please contact the Conference Content Executive with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one.
Financial support available

We are excited to announce that Elsevier has provided funds to help supplement the costs related to childcare responsibilities for early-career researchers attending our 2023 Cell Symposia. We understand that, in both academia and industry, the years following the completion of a doctoral degree are critical for exposure, recognition, and networking in order to secure or maintain a position. For many scientists, these years also coincide with starting a family, making it difficult to achieve a work-life balance and embrace one’s career objectives. Up to $500 per award will be granted to students, postdocs, and/or young investigators (within your first 5 years). Delegates with accepted abstracts are eligible for this award (awarded on a first come first serve basis).
To request and application form, please email Hannah Griffiths
(Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances)
Deadline for applications: January 13, 2023

Cell Press, along with the Elsevier Conferences team, is excited to provide scholarships for researchers who have historically been excluded or underrepresented in the STEM fields. We believe that greater equity in science requires revisiting established narratives and visuals shaping society's view of successful scientists.
Apply here for one of 4 scholarships that provide complimentary registration to an upcoming Cell Symposia.