Keynote Speaker

V. Narry Kim has made major contributions to RNA biology. She has been studying how microRNAs and mRNAs are made and regulated, and what microRNAs and mRNAs do to modulate cell signaling in cancer and embryonic stem cells. Her research group found and investigated several key factors in the microRNA pathway including Drosha, DGCR8, and Lin28, and discovered many pluripotent stem cell-specific microRNAs. More recently, Kim uncovered new gene regulatory mechanisms through RNA tailing such as uridylation and adenylation, and identified the factors and biological functions of RNA tailing.
Narry Kim currently serves as the Director of RNA Research Center at Institute for Basic Science and a Professor of Biological Sciences at Seoul National University. She received her Ph.D. in 1998 from Oxford University, UK, where she studied the functions of retroviral proteins in the construction of gene transfer vectors in the Kingsman lab. She then carried out her postdoctoral research on mRNA surveillance in the laboratory of Gideon Dreyfuss at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. She set up her own research group at Seoul National University in 2001. Narry Kim received L’Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Award (2008), the Ho-Am Prize in Medicine (2009), the S-Oil Fellowship (2013), the Korea S&T Award (2013) and Chen Award(2017), and was elected as Foreign Associate of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, 2013), Foreign Associate of National Academy of Science (NAS, 2014), and Member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST, 2014).
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